When you think of running a successful business, the image of a tube of toothpaste probably doesn’t come to mind. However, running your business is like a...
April - 2024
I have been a transmission rebuilder for most of my automotive career. I enjoy it best because solving the problems these marvelous puzzles present brings me...
Speed sensors – how complicated could they possibly be? They use only two or three wires, so what’s to learn? Well, imagine checking a wheel speed sensor...
Many changes have taken place with transmission cooling since its inception. It started with a cast iron beast with only a torque converter with fins to a...
The more one knows, the more you realize how little one knows! Working with cars is often a humbling experience as you learn something you did not know almost...
For parents, it can be easy to relate to this article. Think about the last time you asked your kids to clean their room and found them 20 minutes later...
Welcome once again, to another edition of Clash of the Classics, our travels take us back to 1955 for this month’s showdown between two classic titans of the...
Picture yourself in one of those rare interludes When things are going perfectly. You’re cruising down the road of success, wind in your hair, when...
Part one of this series focused on creating a business culture. That is, “Why are you in business, and what do you provide for your customers? ” It’s an...
Many small to midsized companies found it challenging to sell in 2023. This was mostly due to the rise in interest rates and the hesitation from private equity...
April Welsh was born into, what many would consider, a less than typical family. April and her brother were raised by a stay-at-home dad and working mom...
“The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack in will.” –...